Sissy Roo's Flutter bys

By March 06, 2006

I am now in the final count down to go back to work... ARGH!!!!  7 days.....
A lot has happen here in the last few weeks  I have been so busy trying to get things done. Not to mention planing a 2nd birthday party ... I can't believe my little man is going to be two  I am so excited for him.

This last week we converted his bed into a toddler bed. It was so cute to watch him the first night. He thought it was just so cool that he got to sleep on his big boy bed  He even wanted to go to be early. So now at bed time you tell him good night. He gives us both a kiss and then one of us walks him into his room and he falls asleep all by himself  I am so proud of him. No fuss or anything. What a great kid I have.
So for his birthday party this year he chose to have race cars be the theme so everything that we have is all about race cars. He just loves cars and I know he is going to love his party  If it doesn't rain we have a huge race car jumpy coming and of course we have the race car cake and decorations  He is just going to love it 
I was thinking the other day that it has been a while since I updated the list of things that he says... Then I realized that I don't think there is much that he doesn't say  So here are a few phrases that he says that are just to darn cute...
Wha yu doing Mamma?
Gikolas turn... "Nikolas Turn"
Quwessadilla peasse.  "Quesadilla please"
Outside play gunder mamma. "Go Outside and play with Gunner (our dog) Mamma"
Play sissy roo mamma, Nooooo sissy sleeping. "This is a conversation he has with himself he first asks if he can play with Sissy Roo and if he sees that she is sleeping he then tells himself No because she is sleeping  Too funny"
and lastly, and my all time favorite....
Mamma, go see Gammi, pappa, play papa tractor.... Great.....
This is another one of the conversations with himself he asks is he can go and see my parents, Grammy and Papa and he wants to play on Papas tractor. Then he says Great cus he think that I have already said yes we are going when in all reality I haven't said a word.  To funny...
As for little girl...
She is healthy and happy and is just now starting to reward us with HUGE smiles and small giggles  Its just so much fun all over again having a little one to love. She is sleeping in her own bed and is only waking up on most nights once at around 2:00 so overall she is doing really well. We go on Thursday to the Doc to see how much she has grown.
The only thing that has really be hard is realizing that everything takes twice as long. Bath time, Getting ready for eating and going out somewhere. So adjusting back to the timing instead of the let jump in the car and run to the store has been a bit difficult but not to bad 
As for Nik, he is doing soooooo great with her. I think it was one of the best choices for us to have the two of them so close together. He just loves her so much  He plays with her all the time and what is to cute is if I can't get her to settle down for whatever reason. Nik comes over and plays with her and she just loves it  I love to watch the bond that the two of them have formed. Its wonderful 
We have finally chosen a room theme for her and are working on her room as I type. Its lavender and pink and its butterflies. Also known as Flutter bys in our house  As soon as its all finished I will post pictures. I can't wait to get it all done for her 
Enough for now.

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