Another count down. 155 with 9 weeks to go

By March 20, 2006

Mike is in the kitchen fixing lunch for Nik and starts to smell my perfume. He is not sure where or why he is smelling it. So he continues what he is doing. Then of course the house gets quite… Quite is not good with children 
Mike howlers for Nik and he comes running to Mike but when he gets to Mike he has his hands behind his back, therefore it is assumed that he is hiding something. J Mike then gets another whiff of my perform. This time its really strong  So Mike asks Nik to give him what’s in is hand of course my child takes off running and ditches the loot somewhere between the front room and his room :-) Mike then walks into Nik’s room and begins to ask him where the bottle is.
At this point we don’t think that Nik understood what Mike was asking cus her replied. “Sissy stinks Daddy”. UGH, now Mike realizes he has a bigger problem so her runs in to check on sissy. She of course is happily swinging in her swing and absolutely smells of perfume. 
Way too funny I tell you.
Moral of the story… Nik is tall enough to reach on top of the bathroom counter  Don’t leave anything on the counter… 
This weekend was nice. The weather was great and I got a whole bunch of odds and ends done. I have to say I am so tired though. Mike has the flu and I had to take care of little girl last night and get up at 3:45 L UGH I am dragging my butt this morning. I sure hope that Mike is feeling better today. I know that little man still has the tail end of a cough also. Poor little Dude.
But…. We have the final plans confirmed for DISNEYLAND!!!! Yeah!!! I can’t wait to take Nik and little girl. I know that little girl won’t care but Nik is gonna love it. In preparation for going I pulled out the home movies that we have of us going to Disneyland and Nik and I sat on the floor to watch them. It was so much fun!! Nik loved it. Then the next morning we were all in bed and Nik jumps up and says to me. “Momma, go play Diddneyand”  It took me a few minutes to realize what he was saying but once I figured it out and repeated back to him “Let’s go play at Disneyland” he then reply with a huge smile on his face. “GREAT”  It was just too cute 
My little Sissy Roo is doing so good.  She is now smiling up a storm. She is getting to be so much fun to play with. If you lay her down on the couch and look over her she will do everything she can to get your attention  I love it. She is now fake coughing if you stop paying attention to her and she still wants to play.  So cute I tell you  She is already up to eating 6 oz HELLO she is only 9 weeks old….. Yeah not sure where she puts it all but she eats like a little piggy  I just love that she is so healthy. Its nice to have a healthy baby.
So I finally went and got a new scale. My old one was not working right anymore. I have to say I am proud of myself I am down another couple of pounds. I am really going to hit the weight loss thing hard. I have to start to feel better about myself. I have my bike setup in the garage and the weight bench is all cleaned off and ready for me to use it. I was very proud of myself for getting out there last night for a few min. I can’t get over how out of shape I really am.  It was so depressing. But, I am doing something about it so I guess that’s all that matters. I am really really really hoping that by our trip to Disneyland I will be 135…..
I would be so proud of myself. That’s two pounds a week I think I can do that… No, I know I can do that. How nice would it be to go on vacation and wear cute little shorts and a top and not be worried about the way I look in pictures or in the shorts I have on.
I can do it. I can do…
So here is the count down…
March 20, 2006- 155 with 9 weeks to go.
O.K I think I can

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